Thursday 3 January 2008

it was a very good year

yes, it's 2008. the year i become older than i ever thought i'd be. and it's the time of year when you look back at last year and mull over how goodish it were. then you look at the year ahead and wonder how goodish you can make it be.

as for last year:
i took an amazing trip across eurasia, ran a youth theatre event for some amazing kids, i bought a massive jeep, kissed some mighty fine ladies, didn't crash ANY vehicles, bought an expensive suit, got drunk & smoked with my equally sober best friend, spent a great deal of time with my wonderful friends, stood up to my boss, went to at least one gig every month, worked through tonsillitis, threw caution to the wind a good few times, ate a snake....

it'll be a tough one to beat, but to encourage a good beating this year i plan to:
1 get a new job
2 have two proper holidays
3 throw caution to the wind a good few times
4 marry each one of you in turn
5 seize every opportunity to do good stuff
6 discover a new favourite band
7 wear hats a lot
8 see my wonderful friends more

quite generic, i know, but... whatever

if i can pull off 5 of those 8, i will consider it perfection.

one down

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