Tuesday 28 November 2006

i'm back, and bigger than before

you guys rawki'm lucky. i happen to know a small proportion of some of the greatest people on the planet. very surprising to me is this group of people includes a sub-section of teenagers; kids that i choose to call my friends. (this is a big deal for someone who is almost completely predjudiced against this age group). within this select group i know people who improve the world around them on a daily basis.
they do this both effortlessly and unconsciously. most of them do it completely obliviously. a lot of them will never accept the fact that they are anything more than just another person in a long queue of persons.
but this is not true.
i'm not going to get all embarrassing and point out specific individuals, that would be wrong. but the above photo includes at least 3 of them.
and there are more besides.

i'm in a particularly heightened mood at the moment. yep, beneath this tired, tectonic exterior you will find me content that this is the best i've been.
it's nice, it is.

and it means i get to dress as a wrestler.

drinking the blood of virgins through a dead man's mouth

left to right: uncle mead, s'mad, aunt mead, little miss raunch, red, troubadour, shoelace, don-juan, urban cowboy

1 comment:

A Pea Called Loweese said...

i know how you feel about those specific people!!

but then, you're one too...

i miss you urb'!
