Friday 11 May 2007

i'm preparing to go off

in seven days and seven hours i leave. my plane takes off and launches me off the radar for four weeks. i'll be out of sight, uncontactable and lost in a misty landscape. i haven't written in a while. it's been one of those busy times that occasionally occur. so a little time to play catch up... it's 12:21am and my brother-in-law is watching stander with my best friend's girl.

seems like an ideal time to me.

over a week ago now we had the press night for fallujah. for those of you who may not have read before, fallujah is a production i've been assisting with in my spare time. it's an important project and i'm glad to have been a part of it. highlights have been constructing a 3-d soundscape with someone who - i've recently found out - is regarded as one of the best sound engineers in the world: david mcewan. dave.
so press night happened, a performance of the show followed by a party with special invitees and the financiers.
so i partied with joanna lumley and was served falafel by a nobel peace prize nominee (probably should score a 10 on the falafelometer). a party into the night until it was just the crew left. five of us, a tonne of free booze and a big warehouse in brick lane. and work the next morning, but oh well.
fun to be had, and it did.

i bloody leave in a week!
these last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic with the planning of the big-ass trip. i have to say that i've had it pretty easy on the organisational part of the gig. matt has basically been a bit of a legend, and where i wouldn't know where to start, he has completely sorted out the entire thing. the idea was his baby, partly i've wanted him to make sure he gets to do all the things he wanted to do when he first thought of the trip, partly he is the more seasoned traveller and partly i wouldn't have had a clue what to do... so cheers matt. i can't wait for the whole of the next 5 weeks to happen.
luckily i won't have to for long.

arrgh! 7 days! jeez....

i joined facebook a little while ago and it's great. i'm back in contact with a load of awesome people from my past, and they keep coming. everyday i get a friend request from someone long gone, but not forgotten. it's nice. hello to you all, you bunch of sexy lovely people. with lovely bottoms.

yesterday i spent the entire day sound engineering an extraordinary general meeting for a large company. what a waste of time. in the first 5 minutes a man stood up and put forward a motion that the meeting be discontinued out of respect for the members that couldn't be there. they then debated this point for 90 minutes and threw it to a written poll. before the meeting took place, they had to argue about whether the meeting should take place. i had to restrain myself from A) laughing wildly out loud, B) informing the present members that the event was probably costing about £16000 and putting it off for another day would actually be quite an expensive process.

once the meeting did start it was about 5 hours of 'management speak.' i hate management speak and i don't fall for it.

management speak is just a way of speaking designed to do three things:
1 - to give the impression that the idiot speaking it is much more intelligent than they actually are.
2 - to confuse the listener into mistakedly agreeing with a non-point. it is usually made up of completely meaningless and static words & phrases that lead nowhere.
3 - to make sure that whatever happens, the speaker cannot be blamed for any mistakes, but can fully accept any praise for triumphs.

it is always spoken fluently by absolute dicks.

i had my hand taken out of plaster 2 weeks ago. it was a very strange feeling accompanied by a huge sense of relief and liberation. except i was then told i had at least 6 weeks of rehabilitation ahead of me. physiotherapy sessions and everything.
woah. i was expecting 2 weeks and then everything will be fine. nope.

rather nicely though, part of the therapy was using a machine that tested grip strength. my broken hand managed 22kgs - about the same a woman in her twenties. when i went to do a comparison with my fully working right hand, the therapist said "ooh, mr. strong!" which was nice. i did 54kgs of grip with my right. apparently that's quite good. hurrah!

what's not good is that i can barely move my hand. it's about half as good as my right at moving a twisting and lifting and such. but we'll get there. at least i've got my super-human right hand to get me through my time in siberia.

matt and i are hoping to keep some sort of blog going while we're away. it'll be pretty sporadic, based only on when we can get near the internet. i'll post what it's called as soon as we've decided. hopefully, even with it's geography based flakiness, you might be able to follow our movements a little and know whereabouts we are at any given time. maybe we'll even get a photo or two on it as well.

i hope to post again before we go, but it's a busy week of plan-tweaking ahead of me. if i don't find time watch this space, i'm not gone forever.

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