Wednesday 18 April 2007

i'm also genuinely sorry

of course thoughts go out to anyone affected by the university shootings at virginia tech. british people share your grief and concern.

i am reminded of a speech by the best president in recent history, president j. bartlett:
'Joy cometh in the morning,' scripture tells us. I hope so. I don't know if life would be worth living if it didn't. And I don't yet know who set off the bomb at Kennison State. I don't know if it's one person or ten, and I don't know what they want. All I know for sure, all I know for certain, is that they weren't born wanting to do this. There's evil in the world, there'll always be, and we can't do anything about that. But there's violence in our schools, too much mayhem in our culture, and we can do something about that. There's not enough character, discipline, and depth in our classrooms; there aren't enough teachers in our classrooms. There isn't nearly enough, not nearly enough, not nearly enough money in our classrooms, and we can do something about that. We're not doing nearly enough, not nearly enough to teach our children well, and we can do better, and we must do better, and we will do better, and we will start this moment today! They weren't born wanting to do this.

i feel the same about london youth, recently we've seen a burst in knife-crime amongst teenaged gangs. thankfully it's harder for them to get hold of guns, but no less devestating to the families of the dead.

there's nothing we can do for the families of the virginia victims, but know that our thoughts are with you.

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