Tuesday 29 August 2006

i'm full of content

it's been a few days. "why?" i hear you mutter. i've been away from mr. computer for a few days.

i have had a totally awesome week.

my friend 'xany' came to visit. i haven't seen her in 4 years. it will be safer for everyone if i don't go into any detail about what happened while she stayed over, suffice to say it was amazing to see her again and she was and still is one of my favourite people on the planet.

speaking of my favourite people on the planet (this works on so many levels that you will never know) i have a whole load of new names to add to my "best people list."

i've spent the last 5 days working as a youth leader for a theatre group that my friends set up to provide fun events and activities for young people around the country. the main event that the faith, hope and gaffertape theatre company do is musical in a week where the young people arrive at a residential centre on a sunday, audition for parts that evening and then work their socks off until friday when they then put on a musical. this year they got given a little grant and were asked to put on last years show, godspell, on at greenbelt this year. so we met together on wednesday and tried to put together everything that they did 13 months ago. in two days.

i just wanted to give you a brief history of why i spent a third of my well-earned holiday hanging out with 14-19 year olds. what i really wanted to say was what an amazing bunch of people they all are.

guys, if any of you read this (i should say i hope you don't 'cause my blog sometimes has naughty words... but secretly i hope you do) i'd just like to say that you all kick ass and i can't wait to see you all again. i'll miss you all and would gladly swap my regular shower facilities for more time spent with you. i'm so proud of you all for what you acheived this week, you blew my socks off with how talented and funny and welcoming and energetic and trustworthy and positive and open and compassionate and sweet and mature and smelly you all are.

thanks guys.

i love you all.

as someone who generally thinks that adolescents are filthy and rude, i'm so glad that i have been proved wrong by a group of incredible young people who i've quickly become very fond of.

and i went camping. which was nice.



Anonymous said...

aww thanks... on behalf of the rest of Gafferville who may not have read this....


Yay... you like us afterall x

the funkhouse said...

did some of you think i didn't like you? oh dear.

Anonymous said...

i dunno... ?! i can't remember why i said that to be honest

you're lovely really :)
