Wednesday 16 August 2006

i'm relaxing against my will

today marks the second day of two weeks of 'freedom.' my workplace hath encouraged me to take 2 weeks off because i'm owed so much time off and the year is slipping away from us.

it's nice, this being single lark. 6 months ago if i were to have taken 2 weeks, i know that it would have been spent completely in the warm and loving arms of my missus. except without the warm and loving bit. and possibly not the arms.
but it definitely would have been entirely with her.
i'm sure it would have been a perfect week of sun, sea, anger, discomfort and sand.
and arguments.
but i'm single now. so what can i possibly do on my own for 14 days? how can i fill the time? what time is it anyway?
it's 9.22am.
well here's the plan... (if you're a stalker please do not read the rest of this blog. it would make your life easier, but less of a challenge)

stay with my brother in sunny cambridge, stay with my parents in sunny margate, my friend 'xany' stays with me in sunny london, go to sunny cheltenham to assist running a sunny youth camp/event type thing, go to sunny music festival in sunny cheltenham racecourse, stay with my sunny friend 'ned' on her sunny boat in the sun.

not all at the same time. that would be silly. but clever.

i'm planning on enjoying the sun quite a bit.

my biggest excitement is fitting a weeks worth of luggage, tent, spare helmet, camping equipment and a recently finished canvas, on my bike.
it will be fun.

she is a big bike. i have faith.
her name is jojo. i will introduce her to you soon.

right, better go and buy a weeks worth of luggage, tent, spare helmet, and some camping equipment.

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