Saturday 24 June 2006

i'm considering yes

a while ago a man called danny wallace wrote a book called 'the yes men'
i've never read it but i like the idea. he conducted an experiment whereby he said "yes" to every question he was asked. from what i heard he did it for a few months and ended up gaining a load of money, experiencing some life-changing events and gaining a beautiful wonderful new wife. if you've read it and this ain't true, thats fine, its the whole sentiment that i'm interested in.
i like the idea, so i've been giving it a go for a while now. i have to say that not much is different in my life except for a more positive outlook on everything than i ever had before.
as for life-changing events... i don't know, but -> i did end up spending an evening with a beautiful and talented singer/songwriter after her gig in norf london / i'm now working on a musical with a bunch of fantastic people and we're performing it next week / and yesterday i went out to dinner with some people who i didn't really know very well but turned about to be great.
i'll let you know how it all goes....

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